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                ABOUT US
                ABOUT US
                Eddysun is a hi-tech company located in Xiamen, with advanced production equipment and matured system to ensure the quality of its products. Eddysun is also the Training and Examination Centre for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current)examination of the Chinese Society for Non-destructive (NDT ) Testing, corporate partner of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing.
                NDT Research and Development Department of Eddysun, which developed the first digital eddy current testing device in Asia in 1993, is dedicated to the design, development, production and field service of NDT equipment. With decades of experience in technological research and field service, and continuous introduction of internationl advanced technology, Eddysun has created its new concepts for NDT, and a series of representative techniques such as frequency spectral analysis, pre-multi-frequencies current, multi-frequencies eddy current, remote field eddy current tester (RFT), metal magnetic memory method, sound pulse leakage detection, digital ultrasonic method, multi-channel ultrasonic testing, acoustic impedance, phase array ECT system, phase array EUT system and NDT intelligent network etc.
                Our products are the best ones in the world, such as Magnetic Memory / Eddy Current Detecting Instrument, sonic pulse fast detector, 128-channel eddy current detector, super-high-speed instant eddy current testing system, array eddy current sensor, intelligent eddy current sensor, multi-channel online ultrasonic testing system, high-resolution/penetrating ultrasonic instrument, intelligent sonic vibrating instrument and intelligent analysis system of digital network for NDT. In addition, Eddysun has more than 250 patents and has won many awards of  provincial or ministry level. Many research achievements of Eddysun are the first of its kind in Asia, or even in the world. Moreover, Eddysun is designated to write and compile teaching marterial for eddy current testing by the Chinese Society for Non-destructive Testing. Our publications range from textbooks, professional books to more than 500 papers on domestic or international symposiums or related publications.
                Eddysun adheres strictly to the ISO9001 for organization,  Eddysun is the supplier of NDT instruments for the General Administration of Quality Supervision. Eddysun is also listed as the national highly-recommended representative company for patents, as well as appointed company for high-technology products by Commission for Science. Our products are embraced by domestic and international customers who come from America, Italy, Korea, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Argentina, Australia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and so on. Remarkable social and economic benefits are brought to our customers and the society. Eddysun is ready to serve you with its best efforts.
                Eddysun is the China-leader in providing nondestructive (NDT) inspection solutions based on integrated multi-method technologies – eddy current, ultrasonic, remote field and magnetic flux leakage. The company offers the complete NDT solution including a line of turn-key systems, instrumentation, software products, supplies, calibration, repair, training and inspection services, all offered world-wide.